“I was [hesitant] like ‘Are you sure you want to put that much [ink] in that area? ‘” says Shane Willoughby, who gave Gucci mane his frosty tattoo at ATL’s Tenth Street Tattoo.
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“He came straight to the counter and that’s where he pointed.” Willoughby told VIBE the generously inked up rapper came through solo around 2pm and contrary to popular Internet belief was sober as a mormon. “I won’t tattoo anybody if their [drunk] or high because I can’t stand the smell of weed… [Gucci Mane Tattoo] seemed completely sober. He knew what he was doing.”
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And a quick glance down any blog’s comment section today shows the majority thought this permanent ‘doing’—especially it’s choice location— was three scoops tattoos of crazy. “When [Gucci Mane] said he wanted to do the ice cream thing I said ‘Well why don’t we do it somewhere else?’ But he was like I don’t have anywhere else.”
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Gucci Mane Tattoo clearly reps his “Brrr” movement to the 100th degree, but what was good with that side of cherry lightning bolts? “He said ‘I want something rock ‘n roll.’ There’s nothing more rock ‘n roll then lightening bolts.”
But even though Willoughby (who also tatted a flower for TLC’s Chili five years ago) is confident with the end result of his work don’t expect to see him illustrate any more kooky face tats.”I don’t think I’ll ever do [that] again… no matter how successful [the celebrity tattoo].”
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And Gucci Mane Tattoo reaction? “He was stoked. Had no regrets… was jumping up and down. That’s the way he rolls.”
Gucci was recently released from Atlanta’s Anchor Hospital for psychiatric evaluation. —Tracy Garraud
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